These Things I Know (UPDATED)

The hardest part about this blog post was coming up with a name for it 😀

About a month ago when I picked up writing again, I mentioned I was working on a reflection – some lessons learned, some life rules I’ve adopted, some general thoughts on life. And it’s finally ready!

But to pick a title …. hmmm.

See, it’s not all lessons I’ve learned, nor is it purely a list of “life rules”. Some of it I’ve personally experienced; others I’ve observed. But when it comes down to it, I decided that everything kinda falls into a broader bucket of things I know to be true.

So without further adieu, I give you These Things I Know 🙂

  • Life Rule #1 is “Don’t Be An Asshole”.
    • And I should clarify that this is a blanket coverage on all interpretations of that word – being shady, rude, arrogant, selfish, disrespectful, obnoxious, inconsiderate, or unkind. And if anyone wants to bring this negative junk around me? BYE FELICIA. #sorrynotsorry
  • If you break Life Rule #1, realize it, acknowledge it, apologize for it, and then move on.
    • Nobody is perfect. We all make mistakes. And in general, they only become super problematic if you don’t learn from them and make the same mistake over and over again.
  • One of my favorite quotes need to be rewritten.
    • I love quotes, really. But some should be updated to be more easily understood and put into practice, because their meaning can get lost in flowery and eloquent language. For example, take one of my favorites – “actions speak louder than words”. Totally believe it, agree with it, and live by it. But it’s too proper. My proposed alternative is: “Words don’t mean sh*t unless they’re backed up by genuine, honest, recognizable action.” BOOM. See, now isn’t that more clear?
  • Big goals are great, but you have to break them down into realistic and manageable pieces to feel like you’re getting anywhere.
    • This was a bit of a lightbulb moment for me. I set big goals but then get frustrated when I don’t make as much progress as I think I should be making or if it’s not happening fast enough. And I fall off the wagon and get angry with myself. I will be much more successful at setting and sticking with goals if I make them manageable and realistic. Take weight loss as one example. Instead of just having a big goal of, “I want to lose xx pounds”, keep that big goal in mind but I shift my thinking to be, “I want to lose 5 pounds to start”. Then when that happens, reset and think, “Awesome, now I want to lose 5 more” until I get to my big goal.
  • Self-care is critically important, in all ways … physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually.
    • And sometimes you have to prioritize one aspect of self-care more than others.  And that’s okay.  You figure out what needs more of your focus, work through it, and then re-evaluate.
  • All relationships are two-way streets. Period, end of story.
    • Doesn’t matter if it’s a family member, friend, spouse or significant other, business associate, neighbor. Both people have to be willing to make an effort. And if that doesn’t happen … if only one person is putting in the effort …he or she will eventually stop trying. Trust me on this. I’ve done it – stopped trying. It sucks, especially when it’s someone you care about a lot. But it’s easier than constantly feeling ignored or that you’re the only one who cares about said relationship. BUT, that being said ….
  • Relationships can also naturally ebb and flow over the course of time, particularly with people who are in your life for awhile.
    • It’s natural. You just have to accept it and figure out how what works for you and (insert name). But do NOT use this as an excuse to ‘phone it in’.  The note above still applies. There’s a definite difference between not putting in effort to maintain a relationship with someone and being apathetic versus navigating periods of time where it’s harder to stay in contact with someone or when you might not feel as connected (i.e. vacations, big life changes like moving or having a kid or starting a new career, new relationships, etc).
  • Every single one of us is capable of doing hard things.
    • You may take a different path than others, it may take awhile to do it, and/or you may not get it right the first time. But everyone can do hard things if we put our minds to it, if we stay focused, if we don’t give up.
  • Don’t ignore your feelings, especially when you are struggling with something (big or small).
    • Find a way to work through them, and realize that how you do that will differ from everyone else. Some people journal, some talk to friends and family, some seek help from a counselor or therapist, some exercise, some travel. Figure out what works for you. When I was going through stuff last year, I chose a combination of those examples above plus had what we jokingly called the “shouty caps notebook”, when I’ve had some strong and/or angry words to get out of my system but didn’t want to or didn’t feel like I could share them in real life 🙂
  • And also, remember that just because someone doesn’t outwardly express how they feel doesn’t mean they don’t feel.
    • Big difference between not showing feelings versus not feeling.
  • If you want to help someone going through a tough time, do something, anything, to show you’re there for them. 
    • Words are great, sure.  But they’re easy to say and don’t always come backed up with actual meaning.  (See bullet point 3 above.)  Asking someone “how can I help” may or may not do any good, because often times he or she who is struggling doesn’t know how to answer that question.  I was one of them – at the time, I didn’t know how anyone could help.  So instead, aim for something different … set aside quality time to spend together, pop in a favorite movie and watch with them, cook them a meal, go out for a coffee, take a walk or try a new form of exercise together, share a favorite book/lyrics/quote, drop a card or letter in the mail, etc.  SHOW THEM you’re there, don’t just tell them.
  • Choose your words wisely, especially during emotionally heavy situations.
    • Once you say them or write them, you can’t take them back, no matter how hard you wish for someone to forget them. It’s simply not possible.
  • Also, be careful with how much you decide to share with people.
    • This is particularly true for new or difficult or confusing situations you find yourself in. Really think about it … will what I say do any good?  could it permanently change how I think about someone or how they think about me, and how will I deal with it never being the same?  how will I feel after – happy, relieved, warm and fuzzy, embarrassed, etc?  Again, it’s worth repeating – once you put something out there, you can’t take it back. Is it worth the risk sometimes?  Absolutely.  But not always.
  • What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.
    • Kind of an exaggeration (the ‘killing’ part), but it’s true. Similar to “you can do hard things”, you CAN and WILL get through tough times. And often you’ll come out better and brighter after the darkness 🙂

Take care of yourself, and take care of each other. Remember Life Rule #1. And let’s make it a great week!



Must Always Remember

I just want everybody to be happy. That’s just me and who I am. It’s hard-wired in my DNA.

I’m a fixer, a worrier, an overanalyzer, a heavy-duty empathizer, and a protector when it comes to the most important people in my life 🙂 And by extension also to the people who are important to MY people, whether I know them well or not.

I also want to be the best spouse, daughter, sister, friend, co-worker, etc that I can be, at all times.

Because of that, I often … okay, super often … neglect to remember this:

AND … through focusing so much energy on being whatever type of friend my people need, whenever they need it, I sometimes (okay, LOTS of times) forget to take care of ME … which should be equally as important as taking care of and looking out for others.

It’s kind of like the “secure your own oxygen mask first” instructions you get during the pre-flight safety rundown on an airplane, you know? You can’t help others well if you’re not putting yourself first.

Plus, in addition to it not being my job to be everything to everybody, it’s damn near impossible. Believe me, I’ve tried. Doesn’t usually end well.

Maybe it’s obvious to most, but maybe this can be a reminder for someone else, too 🙂

This is just one of the lessons I’ve learned/re-learned/realized over the last year or so. More to come. Alllllmost finished with Part 1 – stay tuned!



I Won’t Let Go

I heard a snippit of this song a couple days ago on a TV commercial, and the lyrics immediately caught my attention. Like, we’re talking full head whip from looking away from the television to being glued to the screen and sound.

I googled the full version and fell in L-O-V-E. It’s from Rascal Flatts and was released back in 2011.

Not only are the lyrics beautiful and simple, but they speak to support between two people in any number of situations….between family members, between friends, between significant others, or even between a yourself and a higher power.

If ever I could put into words what I want people in my life to feel from me when they’re going through tough times, regardless of the situation or what my current relationship with that person is, this is it.

I hope you enjoy. And if you want to hear the full song, check out the YouTube video at the bottom of this post.
Rascal Flatts “I Won’t Let Go”

It’s like a storm
That cuts a path
It breaks your will
It feels like that

You think you’re lost
But you’re not lost on your own
You’re not alone

I will stand by you
I will help you through
When you’ve done all you can do
And you can’t cope
I will dry your eyes
I will fight your fight
I will hold you tight
And I won’t let go

It hurts my heart
To see you cry
I know it’s dark
This part of life
Oh it finds us all
And we’re too small
To stop the rain
Oh but when it rains

I will stand by you
I will help you through
When you’ve done all you can do
And you can’t cope
I will dry your eyes
I will fight your fight
I will hold you tight

And I won’t let you fall
Don’t be afraid to fall
I’m right here to catch you
I won’t let you down
It won’t get you down
You’re gonna make it
Yeah I know you can make it

Cause I will stand by you
I will help you through
When you’ve done all you can do
And you can’t cope
And I will dry your eyes
I will fight your fight
I will hold you tight
And I won’t let go
Oh I’m gonna hold you
And I won’t let go
Won’t let you go
No I won’t

Where There is Love and Inspiration

Hello again, again 🙂

I can’t believe we’re three full months into this year. Time passes so fast!

2017 was a roller coaster year for me in many ways. Some wonderful moments, some tough ones…successes and struggles. That’s not news to folks who have been reading for a while.

What IS new news is that I feel ready and excited to start blogging again on a fairly regular basis. And that feels GOOD. Really good.

I’m working on a bit of a self-reflection post… one that shares some lessons I’ve learned, some life rules I’ve adopted. It’s not ready just yet, but stay tuned.

In the mean time, I’ll share with you a new-to-me quote that’s I found particularly striking.

I’ll be blogging again soon. Promise 😁



Christmas…and Jeans vs Leggings

What a fun few days!

We entertained groups of friends in our home both Friday and Saturday nights and then celebrated my mom’s birthday yesterday. Happily exhausting weekend.

Though I love nothing more than spending time with friends and family especially during the holidays – get-togethers that often revolves around lots of eating and drinking – this meme is already true… 😂

Let the holiday festivities continue! 



Most People Are Good

I heard a new (to me?) song on the way home from work today – Luke Bryan’s “Most People Are Good”.  Aside from agreeing with literally every word of the song, it just felt good for my soul 🙂

No official music video, but there’s a video with the music and lyrics.  Lyrics also pasted below.

Luke Bryan, “Most People Are Good”

I believe kids oughta stay kids as long as they can
Turn off the screen, go climb a tree, get dirt on their hands
I believe we gotta forgive and make amends
Cause nobody gets a second chance to make new old friends
I believe in working hard for what you’ve got
Even if it don’t add up to a hell of a lot

I believe most people are good
And most Mama’s oughta qualify for sainthood
I believe most Friday nights look better under neon or stadium lights
I believe you love who you love
Ain’t nothing you should ever be ashamed of
I believe this world ain’t half as bad as it looks
I believe most people are good

I believe them streets of gold are worth the work
But I’d still wanna go even if they were paved in dirt
I believe that youth is spent well on the young
‘Cause wisdom in your teens would be a lot less fun
I believe if you just go by the nightly news
Your faith in all mankind would be the first thing you lose

I believe most people are good
And most Mama’s oughta qualify for sainthood
I believe most Friday nights look better under neon or stadium lights
I believe you love who you love
Ain’t nothing you should ever be ashamed of
I believe this world ain’t half as bad as it looks
I believe most people are good

I believe that days go slow and years go fast
And every breath’s a gift, the first one to the last

I believe most people are good
And most Mama’s oughta qualify for sainthood
I believe most Friday nights look better under neon or stadium lights
I believe you love who you love
Ain’t nothing you should ever be ashamed of
I believe this world ain’t half as bad as it looks
I believe most people are good




The Wave

The Iowa Hawkeyes football team started an amazingly touching and fun new tradition this year.  At the end of the first quarter of every football game, 70,000+ fans turn and wave to the patients at the new Stead Family Children’s Hospital that looks over the field.

The Iowa football program was honored recently with The Disney Spirit Award, given annually to college football’s most inspirational figure.  In addition to the coach and one of the players being on-hand to accept the award, there was also one of the patients from the children’s hospital present on the stage.  Kaden spent more than two weeks in the hospital being treated for a tumor in his lung this fall and had the opportunity to experience the wave.

The video below has the original story by ESPN’s Tom Rinaldi in addition to the ceremony where they accept the award.  It’s about 11 minutes long, but it is SO worth it.  Please take a few moments to watch.  And have a few tissues on hand, too 🙂

Make it a great week, y’all.
